Kategorien: Master's Thesis
Can a master’s project be done outside the FAU?
It is possible to do the master’s thesis outside the FAU, both at another research institution or in a company. In this case, it is necessary to have a co-supervisor from the FAU who formally supports the master’s project and is responsible for the final grading. It is up to the students to find a co-supervisor. They are supposed to contact potential co-supervisors early in the process and not only after a final agreement with an external institution has been reached. It is up to the co-supervisors how much they get involved in the project, but usually the involvement is limited.
Registration for courses
At German universities it is (in most cases) not necessary to register for a course before the semester. Students simply attend the first session which is announced in the Campo catalogue. They can decide to leave the course at any time (unless they have committed to an assignment such as a presentation, in which case they must talk to the lecturer in advance).
In certain cases (lab courses, special seminars) the number of participants is limited and registration is necessary. This requirement will be announced in the online catalogue. In the absence of such an announcement, students hould simply join the first session of the course.
Registerion is required for the exams, however. This is possible about six weeks after the start of the course.
Obtainig the FAU card?
A FAU card is necessary in order to use services at FAU such as the student canteen or the copy machines.
Please note: the FAU card is not (!) the student ID, although it looks more offical than the actual student ID. The student ID can be downloaded from the Campo platform.
How and when to register for exams?
The registration period for exams starts about six weeks after the start of courses and lasts two to three weeks. In this period, students can register for the exams recognised for MAOT by themselves in the Campo platform. If students miss to register during that period for good reasons they can still register later by contacting the examiner. However, it is up to the examiners whether they accept it.
Any registrations can be withdrawn up to three working days (Mo – Sat) before the exam date without any reasons. A later withdrawal is only possible with a doctor’s notice.
How can I rent a book from the MAOT library?
Students can just take a book from the shelf in the MAOT library. They either bring it to the MAOT office or send an e-mail with the label of the book. The rent period is 4-8 week but can be extend. If the book is requested by another students it has to be returned.
Can MAOT cover costs for German language courses?
In any case, students can attend the regular course during the semester at the language center for free.
The language center also offers intensive courses two times per year (usually March and September) which cost 340 € (July 2022). MAOT can cover these fees for each student two times during the time in MAOT. Students have to include in their registration that they are MAOT students and MAOT pays the fee directly to the language center.
MAOT can also reimburse costs for a third participation in this intensive course any other intensive German language course outside the university. In this case, though, students first have to pay the fee on their own and get it reimbursed after the successful (just ‚passed‘) participation. The annual budget for that is limited. Therefore, students have to clarify the reimbursement with the MAOT office before they register for the course.
Can a job be recognised as internship?
It is possible to recognise a job at a company or research institute outside the FAU which is done while studying MAOT as an internship. Students have to provide any document (job contract, confirmation by the hiring institute) which shows the duration of the job and the weekly hours, which have to to sum up equivalent to 5 weeks * 40 hours = 200 hours.
A job at the FAU can only be recognised if the supervisor fills an internship record form in addition to the job contract, which students can get from the MAOT office.
Finding a job at the university
Many MAOT students work as research assistants at the university or other research institutes (Max Planck, Fraunhofer). Most students who search for a job are able to find one. The search usually takes one to three months. This depends on open positions, students‘ prior qualification and sometimes just a bit of luck.
Finding a job? Students should apply to potential supervisors. Lecturers sometimes announce open positions during classes. You also find open positions on the websites of the institutes, sometimes in the form general remark such as „we are always looking for competent students interested in working with us, so please contact us”. Unsolicited applications are also welcome at the various institutes. The best point of contact for this are the group leaders at each institute (mostly post-docs or senior PhD students) whom you can find on the websites.
Applications should include a brief (!) CV (1-2 pages), a transcript of prior education and a short description (maximum 3-4 paragraphs) of how you believe your qualifications / interests match the institute’s research field. Further documents should only be sent on request. If a supervisor is interested in you they will invite you for an interview.
Contracts usually comprise 6-12 hours per week, but can be up to 19 hours. The hourly rate is curently (July 2022) 11.45 € for students with a Bachelor degree.
Who can act as referee?
Letters of reference can be written by both academic and industrial supervisors. However, at least one letter should come from an academic referee. It is preferrable to provide letters of referees who have a good personal knowledge of the applicant.
Do I have to submit officially recognised copies of my documents?
Yes, all documents (such as degrees, transcripts of record) must be officially recognised.
At the time of matriculation (September / October) you will be required to provide the originals of all documents (both in the original language and in an official translation if the originals are not in German or English). Please note: This requirement has been suspended for July – September 2022 matriculation period due to the pandemic.