Kategorien: German
Can MAOT cover costs for German language courses?
In any case, students can attend the regular course during the semester at the language center for free.
The language center also offers intensive courses two times per year (usually March and September) which cost 340 € (July 2022). MAOT can cover these fees for each student two times during the time in MAOT. Students have to include in their registration that they are MAOT students and MAOT pays the fee directly to the language center.
MAOT can also reimburse costs for a third participation in this intensive course any other intensive German language course outside the university. In this case, though, students first have to pay the fee on their own and get it reimbursed after the successful (just ‚passed‘) participation. The annual budget for that is limited. Therefore, students have to clarify the reimbursement with the MAOT office before they register for the course.