Kategorien: Campo, Lab courses, Students
How are lab courses entered in the Campo platform?
Valid for students until beginning of study 2021:
The passing of a lab course is only registered in the the Camp platform if both lab courses are passed. Passing only one lab course is not displayed in Campo.
The procedure is: the lab course instructors inform the MAOT office that a student has passed a lab course. This can happen up to some weeks after the student has submitted the last assignment for the course. First, in many cases the assignments have to be corrected before they are evaluated as ‘passed’. Second, some instructors only inform the MAOT office after all (!) students have passed the course not only for any individual student. The MAOT office enters the information in Campo once both courses are passed.
Valid for students from beginning of study 2022 on:
The credits for a lab course are entered into Campo as for any other exam.