Kategorien: Internship, Students
How do students register for an internship and submit documents after the internship?
An official registration of an internship is not necessary. The idea of the internship is that student perform activities equivalent to somebody with a master degree in the same institution. The institution can be a research institute or a company. It is desirable, that the institute is specialised on optics or at least substantially connected to it, but it is not mandatory. For many institutions, it’ll be a matter of course that they are recognisable institutions (Max Planck Institute, FAU institutes, optics companies). In cases of doubt students can informally consult with the MAOT office.
It is possible to do the internship broad. Students can combine the internship with the project report or the master’s thesis. The internship has to last longer than the usual five weeks.
After the internship, students have to submit a confirmation of the internship site that the internship took place and a short report about their activities (2-3 pages). For the confirmation the MAOT form (can be found on StudOn) or any other document showing the same data can be used. Students can e submit the documents at any time before graduation. The MAOT office enters the internship in MeinCampus as soon as they have received the documents.