Kategorien: Master's Thesis, Students
Master’s Thesis: registration, presentation, grading
The master’s thesis is not registered by the students but by the supervisors. The supervisors inform the exam office about name of the student, matriculation number, title and submission deadline. There is no form for that, but supervisors follow their own procedure. The registration is displayed in Campo as the registration for an exam (since formally a master’s thesis is an exam).
The master’s thesis must be presented or ‘defended’. It is up to the supervisor to fix the date (can be after the submission of the written report), location, audience and form. The usual duration is 30 min, but that is not binding. The supervisor informs the exam office about the grade after the presentation. The exam office enters the grade in Campo.
How do students register for an internship and submit documents after the internship?
An official registration of an internship is not necessary. The idea of the internship is that student perform activities equivalent to somebody with a master degree in the same institution. The institution can be a research institute or a company. It is desirable, that the institute is specialised on optics or at least substantially connected to it, but it is not mandatory. For many institutions, it’ll be a matter of course that they are recognisable institutions (Max Planck Institute, FAU institutes, optics companies). In cases of doubt students can informally consult with the MAOT office.
It is possible to do the internship broad. Students can combine the internship with the project report or the master’s thesis. The internship has to last longer than the usual five weeks.
After the internship, students have to submit a confirmation of the internship site that the internship took place and a short report about their activities (2-3 pages). For the confirmation the MAOT form (can be found on StudOn) or any other document showing the same data can be used. Students can e submit the documents at any time before graduation. The MAOT office enters the internship in MeinCampus as soon as they have received the documents.
How do students register for a lab course?
Registration for lab courses does not happen via Campo, but follows individual procedures. In some cases the instructors or the MAOT office contact the students directly. The usual case, though, is that students find the information about the actual registration procedure in the online catalogue. In many cases this means just to attend the first meeting.
How are lab courses entered in the Campo platform?
Valid for students until beginning of study 2021:
The passing of a lab course is only registered in the the Camp platform if both lab courses are passed. Passing only one lab course is not displayed in Campo.
The procedure is: the lab course instructors inform the MAOT office that a student has passed a lab course. This can happen up to some weeks after the student has submitted the last assignment for the course. First, in many cases the assignments have to be corrected before they are evaluated as ‘passed’. Second, some instructors only inform the MAOT office after all (!) students have passed the course not only for any individual student. The MAOT office enters the information in Campo once both courses are passed.
Valid for students from beginning of study 2022 on:
The credits for a lab course are entered into Campo as for any other exam.