WS 2021/22
The following list of courses were offered in winter term 2021/21. Details can be checked in the Univis (click here, then „Geschäftstelle MAOT“, then change to „WS 2021/22“ at the top right).
Optical Metrology
- Fröba: Dynamic Light Scattering, 5 ECTS
- Friedrich: Optical Technologies in Life Science, 5 ECTS (also: Optics in Medicine)
- Peukert / Walter: Product Analysis, 5 ECTS
- De Ligny: Vibrational and optical spectroscopy of glass and ceramics, 3 ECTS (also: Optical Materials and Systems)
- Heiß/Batentschuk: Nanospectroscopy, 3 ECTS (also: Optical Materials and Systems) (the course can be passed individually but is designed to be completed by the course „Phosphors“ in summer term)
- Götzinger/Joly: Modern Optics: Advanced Optics, 5 ECTS (also: Physics of Light)
- Will/Huber: Optical Diagnostics in Energy and Process Engineering, 5 ECTS
Optical Material and Systems
- von Zanthier: Advanced Course in Experimental Physics, 10 ECTS (also: Physics of Light)
- Brabec: Advanced Semiconductor Technologies – Photovoltaic Systems I – Fundamentals + Brabec: Seminar and Conference Participation on Solar Energy, 5 ECTS (both courses have to be passed to earn the credits for the whole module)
- Joly/Schmauß: Waveguides, optical fibres and photonic crystal fibres, 5 ECTS (also: Optics in Communication)
- De Ligny: Vibrational and optical spectroscopy of glass and ceramics, 3 ECTS (also: Optical Metrology)
- Heiß/Batentschuk: Nanospectroscopy, 3 ECTS(also: Optical Materials) (the course can be passed individually but is designed to be completed by the course „Phosphors“ in summer term)
- Erdmann: Optical Lithography, 5 ECTS (also: Optical Material Processing)
- De Ligny: Optical Properties of Glasses
Computational Optics
- Maier: Medical Image Processing for Diagnostic Applications, 5 ECTS (also: Optics in Medicine)
- Maier: Medical Image Processing for Interventional Applications, 5 ECTS (also: Optics in Medicine)
- Maier: Pattern Recognition, 5 ECTS
- Maier: Deep Learning, 5 ECTS
- Köstler: Image Processing in Optical Nanoscopy, 5 ECTS
- Eskofier: Machine Learning for Engineers I: Introduction to Methods and Tools, 5 ECTS
Optical Material Processing
- Schmidt: Laser Technology, 5 ECTS
- Erdmann: Optical Lithography, 5 ECTS (also: Optical Materials and Systems)
- Hofmann: Lasersystemtechnik I, 2.5 ECTS (in German)
Optics in Communication
- Schmauß: Advanced Optical Communication Systems, 5 ECTS
- Haunstein: Optical Communication Networks, 2.5 ECTS
- Joly/Schmauß: Waveguides, optical fibres and photonic crystal fibres, 5 ECTS (also: Optical Materials and Systems)
- Chekhova: Physikalisches Seminar: Nonlinear and Quantum Optics, 5 ECTS
- Götzinger: Quantum Optics, 5 ECTS (also: Physics of Light)
Optics in Medicine
- Klämpfl: Photonics in Medical Engineering, 5 ECTS
- Friedrich: Optical Technologies in Life Science, 5 CP (also: Optics in Medicine)
- Maier: Medical Image Processing for Diagnostic Applications, 5 ECTS
- Maier: Medical Image Processing for Interventional Applications, 5 ECTS
- Möckl/Zieske: Light as a versatile tool in biology and biophysics, 5 ECTS
Physics of Light
- von Zanthier: Advanced Course in Experimental Physics, 10 ECTS
- Götzinger/Joly: Modern Optics: Advanced Optics, 5 ECTS (also: Optical Materials and System)
- Chekhova: Physikalisches Seminar: Nonlinear and Quantum Optics, 5 ECTS (also: Physics of Light)
- Götzinger: Quantum Optics, 5 ECTS (also: Optics in Communcation)